Saturday, April 28, 2012

Fairy Tale?

Time to go for a walk, off onto the clouds, where my reality lives and exist and the truth of who I am and what I know is revealed.
    I am not of this world, never was, never will be. I look to be in human form but in truth I am far from human. Some refer to me as Fae, some as mystical, some as just weird. I...just am. A creature that exist living a life of whim and frolic. I can't help it, my whole family is this way. But, it has not been easy (learning how to fit in with p.e.o.p.l.e.)...strange creatures that they are. Some don't even realize they are not people...but Fae. But, who am I to tell them? I can sway a person's attention with a touch, whisper dreams in their ears softly and alluring. Puckering my lips I puff a soft breath on a neck and with delight, males feel passion, females are alarmed (unless....but I prefer the opposite sex form...nicer bums) (grin). I love the nature of me.
Sometimes, I want to play and need a playmate. Mostly, we are solitary creatures...but there are those times when.............
                We seek another who is neither ours or theirs, just someone with that playful soul; a kindred. Together we can commune and tickle....bite and skip....swing and fly....walk and hear the whispers of the moor's mist. My heart lives within the mist of the moors....To some it is me it is home.  The locs sing a song of home to me, Oh Mull!
It was there, over looking this very loc that I left my passion, my desires, and my wants. A tree promised to keep it for I could return to the world of men less burdened and be free to embrace my play, my self, my nature.
Oh there's a cloud...I bet my play mate is there....I'm gonna go see.................

      Ahhh, on this very cloud I embrace my playmate....We snuggle and dig deep into welcoming softness. The earth world below...the real just between us. That is the truth of existence, for this moment, this little while. Intertwined fingers....tickled toes...laughter and jokes...soft kisses and squirmy wiggles. Wild observations and deep pondering of assumptions; words shared of dreams and possibilities; fact and fiction; just fun. To pick lint from belly buttons and softly comb hairs above one's eyes. Shall I lick your eyebrows after all?
What....bored? Want to jump? Fly?...Hike? Let's go...
    We have goodies and warm companionship...time has been erased (for now), so we can truly enjoy EVERYTHING!
Hike into interesting blokes .........

 You won't mind if I tackle you to the ground?? What? You beat me to dog! You Cad!! Stop tickling me!!!!! ( is making me giggle). It is nice that I can bring you to my favorite place, the home of my heart....the roots of my soul...the one place I am most you hear that? Feel it??
The mist are coming to meet us, gently curling over the hills, seeking us my family....Do you hear? Whispers of longing, caresses of greeting?

 The sun is setting...want to sleep here? Or, return to the cloud?? Look, there's a cozy grassy spot!!Don't leave yet!...the world can wait..let's just breath this moment, shall we? Would you stay and sit with me a little while longer? Get caught up in my dream for a small bit more?? I will let you go soon, I promise...I will return you back to your home and reality. But for this moment, this my my dream....
(long deep kiss)....Mmmm, not so bad, eh?? (grin)

Now.....where were we?
(soft chuckle)


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