Saturday, April 14, 2012


Merriam-Webster defines commitment as: an act of committing to a charge or trust: as (1): a consignment to a penal or mental institution. This revelations can cause one to feel very afraid!! So the bottom line is to consider who do I trust that much? Or, should I just resign myself to being naturally incline to join a mental institution? People mis-use commitment for personal gain. Commitment is not about what I want you to do, but should be what I can do for you! I can't help thinking about the commitment of God and the Hebrews. Now there was an off sided commitment if I ever heard of one! God had to bend all over the place and the Hebrews went helter-skelter doing their own thing. Then, they had the nerve to be upset when they were smoted!! I would smote too if someone took advantage of me. And yet, God still stayed within the commitment originally agreed upon no matter what. Now that is commitment. So my new definition of commitment is (or should be), I will be there for you "no matter what". But, don't think I won't smote if I have to!!

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