Monday, April 23, 2012

My own giggles

At the end of the rainbow lies all my dreams (awake and asleep). When looking into someone's eyes, stranger or friend, I am looking for that rainbow. That little piece of themselves that is real and holds the magic of all possibilities. I love looking for that in people. It makes me giggle if they suddenly smile back, their eyes light up, and for that moment we are sharing a secret. (Shhh, we know what is at the end of the rainbow.

With our new found secret we find ourselves rising like balloons to live in a world that nothing but the present exist. For that moment we are lovers, friends, family, enemies. We have shared a life time and we have only just met. In that brief connection is all the possibilities of all the magic that two souls can create together and experience; together and apart. (Yes, this concept makes me giggle).

Our balloons fly into the blue sky like a flock of dreams. In those dreams our present lives only exist as we wish them too. If we enjoy our present lives (with all its circumstances), we can include those aspects into our dream. The dream is that which is created beyond the brush stroke, beyond the pen line, beyond anything we begin to do...because the dream is the reality we choose to live completely in our mind. It feels like a life time, but might only last 1 minute. Then blink, blink....we are back.
Our balloons touch down and we are almost into the water of our emotions. The place where all our thoughts are ricocheted and bounced about. It can either be fun or stressful. It jiggles our hearts, wiggles our stomachs, and makes us giggle! We can splash or canon ball. We can dive head or feet first. We can doggy paddle or back stroke. We swim in our realities as we see fit. It is all up to us. So when people wonder what keeps me smiling, even in spite of the death and suffering my work surrounds me with, it is the realities I find in-between. That space between the breathing in and breathing out. That is the place where magic lives; home of my giggles.
                 Splash.....diving in, becoming the rainbow!!

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