Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pieces Adrift that Connect

As a tree, the leaves grown are the intimate parts of me. They are my companions, my loves, my joys, and my sorrows. A tree always wishes for company. Alas, leaves fall too soon, as do acorns, and as much as the tree tries to cling to at least one, whispering "stay..stay.." it oes to its own adventure. I miss my leaves and acorns. Sure, there are other trees which the tree could probably gain insight or bemusment from, but it is not the same. But what is a tree to do?

Trees stand for multiple years in the vast world extended around them; observation becomes the shared vehicle for existing.
"There's a bird"
"I saw that bird"
"Is it the same bird?"
"I don't know, could be, maybe not, oh...there's another".
       Such delight, such insight, such a bore.
But.....sometimes there is a interplay of exchange. Whether it be words, thoughts, or musings. The exchange takes on a life it its own and brings vitality to any exchange. It can't make the tree move its roots an inch, it doesn't even change the nature of the tree, but it does intertwine branches in a form that can cause beauty and create a thought-form like song.
Exchange, communicating. But now, two views of the world extended around them.
"There's a bird"
"A bird on a mission"
"Yes, a bird trying to decide which of us it should live on"
"I don't want its poop"
"I don't mind its poop, or that of its young, there would be song"
"Oh, it picked me, oh great"
"Wonderful, the better for me to watch it!!"
"But I hate the poo"
"Then you won't realize because you won't be able to see it....and I won't tell you"
"You won't tell me when it poops?"
"I will only tell you about the beauty and you will always be able to hear the twittering and song, that way the poo will be irrelevant"
"Hmmm, that might work!! At least I won't see the poop!"
"In your view, there will be no poo".

Communicating, evolving, sharing of thoughts, ideas, and dreams. There is no right, no wrong, just flowing expressions of souls...
Instead of waiting and bemoaning the fate of leaves that are temporary, the tree now shares the world with another. How wonderful, how blissful, so deliciously simple. Whether that be in silence or exchange, observational discourse or tossing of acorns; the point being that at some point there was an acknowledgment of involvment. Involvement reveals itself in many forms and never the form that is initially assumed. Once the leaf is caught and tossed back, involvment, companionship occurs.
To sit as the tree.
To let exchange flow as the wind.
To find joy in acorn or leaf tossed.
A happy sigh to exchange back.
That is all that is...matters...and is.

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