Sunday, April 22, 2012

Interpretations & Perception

There are so many images that provoke a wonder and unknown response within one's emotions that are normally ignored. Through these wonderful pieces of artist expression, those hiden parts of us are touched, probed, even rovoked. The faces...the faces...the FACES!!!! To see what another looks like at such profound moments is to recognize ourselves. The ourselves we hide from. Several of these pieces have done just that for me. In Tissot's painting below, it is "What the Saviour Saw". Looking down from a cross, being murdered in the most horrible of ways, to have all those who just days before honored you, laughed with you, turned to you for support. To see those same faces looking upon you in your helplessness, your disgrace, your humility. There is great Love evident...I don't think there was embarresment.

(James Jacques Tissot (French painter and illustrator, 1836-1902)

The face of obedience and trust. The agony of sacrifice. Would we be able to sacrifice that which is so dear to us for a higher love? What are we willing to sacrifice for another? And is that other worthy of such a deep sacrifice?

(Juan de Valdes Leal, 1657-59...The Sacrifice of Issacc)

On a different note, some modern art also resonats with me, the intrigue between the known and the obvious. The art that strikes a cord (again), triggers that deepest part of me that I rather ignore be it passion, love, dispair, fear, insecurity, lonliness. I AM that which is obscure, I AM that which is not the ordinary, I AM myself, with all the acceptable and non-acceptable parts. So sit back, and breath in Me who can never be wrote about, never truly be touched, but can always be felt.......

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