Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pecuilarity or Real Self

This is what I look like to myself. Facial tattoos especially and belly button a perfect morsel. Alas, though I am told the reality is not bad in itself, I find my outside self is peculiar compared to my inside self. The sword is real, the skirt and shoes are real, even the hair (though my hairdresser daughter won't let me keep it all white). Oh and the belt. The collar is not real. So what is left? And is what left important? or, even significant?
That is why I like mask. The option to make the peculiar into the ordinary by the very nature of wearing a mask. That is acceptable. After all, one is wearing a mask so everyone is warned, this is not real.
What if people only met while wearing a mask. Then it wouldn't matter what anyone looked like, one would all be sexy because the imagination could create for each person what they really believe the other to look like. And once someone has become accustom to the beauty and uniqueness of the other, become endeared to it, then the peculiar become charming, exciting, alluring.
In fact, masked people would probably be better to post for profiles than no photo. The masked version would be so intriguing, how one's imagination will run. Werewolves and vampires would do well to add profile pictures like that. As a unique species of human, I rather think I look beautiful to those who see me and not what I look like. That is why photographs are confusing. They never seem to look like the person really looks like. What type of mask would you choose????

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