Saturday, April 28, 2012


There is something about sharing that touches something deep within. To share a cookie is fun, to share an experience is amazing, to share thoughts and dreams is the most intimate of connection. I love sharing.
Humankind was created not to be alone....they crave companionship; deep and true. If one's partner can share in one way, but not in others, a person naturally yearns/seeks for others to fulfill that which is lacking. I sometimes wonder with all the millions of humans living on this planet, why is it so difficult to find those few that are compatible and almost especially, enjoyable. My ideal world would be someone to share the expenses and life's ups and downs with, a lover, and someone to giggle/laugh with. Do I expect to find all 3 aspects in one person? No, I haven't so far. But, this is my opinion and wishes.
The lovely feeling of being close, touching, feel the warmth of another's skin against one's cheek. I don't understand how people can choose to be together yet don't touch? I wish marriage contacts had an expiration date or at least became null and void if the agreement at union was not upheld. If someone doesn't pay their rent they are evicted, should not people also be evicted if they don't pay the rent to uphold the marriage agreement? (intimacy, support, encouragement...whatever was agreed upon)...especially if certain points were brought up prior to formal union. But, some people figure, marriage means the person is yours...they are doesn't matter if they are content or happy, they are yours...(wow, really?). ...dream on.

It would be interesting if marriage contracts could have expiration dates, why not? Then in 5 years the two could decided if they want to continue or extend without any penalties. Would sure save people money (but probably piss off the attorney's for taking away some of their income).

Sharing in some way is so deeply satisfying. No wonder people even buy another to do so. How did human begins become so isolated? Today I share a bed with a person, but I shared myself with my cyber friend. What is the difference? I think this is the difference between being around and being involved, being a roommate and being a companion.
   I don't have any expectations of people anymore, I am always happy for those who give me moments of themselves and allow me to give them moments of me. Not just anyone (for I am very picky), but those few whose words make sense to my soul, like music that describes the emotion and self so entirely, but the verbal word is limited because of a person's mental fears and stereotypes..
     So in my muse and rant, I leave everyone with this...................                 
 snails do it, bees do it...
even some type of fleas do it...
all it takes is reaching out...sharing breath,
being you, being me...
just knowing this is what is imporating...
This is what will bring the satisfying sigh deep within the soul...

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