Sunday, April 15, 2012

My World - Book Land

My world. Open the cover and I am transported into a land where there are people who love me, challenge me, show me knew and interesting things, and where I know exactly who I am. In Book Land I have no hesitation and am not shy. In book land I am brilliant, clever, beautiful, and accepted for my amazing humor. In book land I can turn the corner and find myself challenge with a conflict of wits and skill or I am met with a puzzle to understand which will make me a better person. There are incredible stories that involved amazing characters. When embracing a series of 3 or more, these characters become my family and I miss them so much when the streets (volumes) have all been transversed and explored.
I am my own hero. Though many people who know me (in my real life) tell me how amazing I am, I don't feel quite the appreciation as I do when I am in Book Land. In real world, people become disappointed and critical. In Book Land you can tell others "go to ..."..or just walk away with a flip of a page. I only engage with the sentences that captivate me and the characters that intrigue me. Some times I read a sentence over and over, slowly then fast; for the words roll around in my mind and onto my tongue is such a juicy satisfying way.
    I am an explorer of the written word.
I am a conqueror of many lands.
   I am engaged by various characters and tempers.
My life is flavored by the attitude of who I have been exposed to by how they were presented through the writing of another.
   Character are born in my head, but never can I get them out and into their own land. My favorite character that has been born through my muse is Cleatus Jones Euphrates. A once successful business man, family man, who gave up everything (or the everything that is considered something), to live on the streets and observe life. He digs through dumpsters and finds bits of wisdom tossed into the wind and onto the ground. The dove wrapper that tells him "be strong", the ice cream stick that reads "you are the greatest". The bits of notes with names, numbers. Receipts discarded and lotto tickets tossed. He stops and looks at each bit he finds wondering if "this" is the one that will hold the answer his heart seeks. He doesn't know what his heart seeks, but he knows he is searching. According to the bible he will find. He hold God true to that or the man who wrote those words was full of hooey. One day on a most productive dumpster dive, Cleatus found a small box with just one seed in it. The box was fiber wood and its outer shell faded and cracked from a poor oriental design that once adorned it. He knew that seed within was some type of special treasure. When ever he would feel hopelessness reaching out to him, he would take the box out from within his gray dusty long faded coat and sit in a quiet place, take a deep breath, and very slowly open that box to gaze upon the wonder within. That seed was possibility, that seed was "it". One day he would learn what that "it" was, the definition of the possibility he longed for. But for now, he only had a glimpse, a taste. But it made him feel so very close!

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