Monday, April 16, 2012

Watching is not the same as Looking...

Binoculars are the most amazing invention for humanity. With this simple device you can see the sweat drops on a famous singers forehead, you can watch the back-up singers scratch their arse, you can see EVERYTHING!! The fun stuff, never before realized stuff, the STUFF that makes this untouchable person human.

I love having my binoculars with me. If you think watching a bird eat from the feeder next door it it better at a concert. If you can read lips its even more entertaining. If I was on stage and knew someone had binoculars on me I would be worried. The beauty of watching the fingers stroke violin stings and complex keyboard combinations during a melodic piece. To see the members of the band grinning and gesturing (facial or other) to each other. So see the subtle clues they give each other (that might not be seen from the audience other wise). Ahh, a magic device.
As per this original creation (by me), life holds thousands and thousands of unique possibilities. However, the trick is to see them, know them, experience them with out that booger of expectation tripping up the fun or joy of discovery. Lately, I have begun a journey of daring. Daring of words and expression. Coming from a skunk it is not surprising, but who knew? Though this writing will never find itself on a library self or become a million dollar best seller, it is such a daring adventure to hit the publish key of each post and know that one's words are floating in cyber and accessible to anyone and anyone (even the aliens monitoring our cyber or the government). What insight will they gain?? My art (above) may find itself hanging in some inter-galaxy office on the outside of Mars but in-between the rings of Saturn. Booya, oh yeah. So, un-be-known to me I AM really someone famous! (please don't bow).

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