Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rabbit Hole

Going into the rabbit hole is a release. To allow one to dream the dream and make the leap; overcoming all fear. The sides are smooth and inviting. The depth seems overwhelming...but there is a light. In the days behind me I have other spirals I have swirled down. I just didn't realize I was swirling until I stopped and realized where I was. But, it doesn't look so scary now. Oh...there is a skunk just ahead of me, or did I pass this being along my way? Either way it is nice to know I am not the only one spiraling along. Not, out of control, but with confidence and truth. What might be at the end and where is the light coming from??? I have hovered too long on the edge and not allowed myself to enjoy the thrill of the jump. I have faith, I am complete, I will jump...wheeeeeeeeee (hey skunk, you there?) opossum.

1 comment:

  1. A skunk by any other name...i visit and after enjoying your blog i leave for you a sweet message if not a fragrant whiff.
