Saturday, April 14, 2012


When life feels like just a string. And, I dangle wondering the point of why I am even trying to hold on. The unexpected occurs which brings a sense of wonder, joy even. I have to remember that everything is fleeting and this moment is the eterminty in which I actually live. But, as human beings, we have a difficult time living in just this moment. We instead, live in our past and future. The moment, this moment, when it is repeated begins to become a habit looked forward to. Oh comes expectations!!
Oh that nasty condition of expectations that burns deep within us to want more...more...more!! More surprise, more of the same fun and joy we had in (that other) moment. But we are dangling by our toes...and bending only a string. We have to make a terrible and life changing decision: do I force "that" fun moment more into my life? But, if other's are involved they have a choice too, right? What if they don't want to "force" the fun moment too? Oh my oh my.
So for today, I will dream. Dreams are easy, safe, can always rehash the best moments. Life is the slippery curb of unexpected. And any unexpected cannot be assumed to be real. It only become real (I believe), when it becomes a regular habit. In that regular habit develops the action that takes the moment out of unexpected, out of expectation, and into reality of "mine". Mine really equals reality (at least for each one of us). Until it becomes claimed, it is not reality; therefore, it can neve become something expected.

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