Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Easy as Pie

To think a thought is to first decide what flavor is being tasted. Does it have crunch? mush? custard? fruit and tart? What is the flavor of this thought right now?
    I am thinking of all the thoughts that are laid together in one pie pan. Sometimes I jump from one pan to another, one type to another. This writing is such a random sampler.

1- I don't get it why people yell at other motorist when they themselves drive as if they have the perpetual right of way.

2- I am amazed at individuals who speak in a rude manner to another and yet they wonder why the person is upset or pissed at them!

3- Inconsiderate people usually believe they are the most considerate of people.

4-I rather a person who is honest and says "Yes, I am a jerk"...compared to the one who proclaims "I am a wonderful person!!", yet acts in selfish and jerk behavior.

5-Someone 50+ does NOT have to stop playing!!

6-When the news is turned on there is so many opinions of so many people, most who feel "their" opinion is the correct opinion. But everyone forgets to remember that an Opinion is just that...not anything set in stone and only one person's view. So when I hear politicians, comments about them, comments from them, I can't get very moved at what fodder is taking up air time. After all, I am trying to find the latest channel that is airing Sponge Bob, Mork & Mindy, or Bewitched...instead I have to pay for the exclusive channel package so I can discover most of the channels are sponsored by these same opinionated people. Thank goodness for DVD movies!!! If t.v. gets too redundant then off it goes and onto the tried and true!!

to be continued............

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