Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Breathing In

Breathing in the world around me. I wonder what it is I am breathing? Is it wonder? Amazement? or is it trouble and scorn? (No wonder I hold my breath so much!) Sitting in my car, in the parking lot of the local grocery, I watch people crossing by me going in, going out. I try to imagine what is the processes going on within them. What are they feelings? thinking? wanting? wishing? When I stand very still I can feel the completeness of me, the totality of all that I am, was, and will be; and I am complete and satisfied. But, when another person enters my perception, suddenly I feel splintered. It is like another human being causes me to remember my isolation and separateness.
As each seed of a dandelion parachute  awaits the puff of breath or bump to be dispersed into the wind. The act of separation causes a dislocation of being, whether person or dandelion seed. The memory of being one of a whole has to stay within the essence of everything. We were never created to be isolated so therefore, we constantly earn for joining. Joining with others in person, in cyber, in thoughts, or in dreams. Rarely do people dream where they are alone or isolated; then, those dreams are not natural comfortable.
In the world of dream, we have all that we miss in what we refer to as real life. We have love, connection, acceptance, adventure, health, even amazing abilities.  Dream is a place that is better than cable and HBO. It is the world where I truly feel alive and me. In dream I don't have to accept anything less than what brings me completeness. If I could master the technique to brings some of dream into my everyday reality...what a thought! I would leap and fly to embrace those aspects. I would skip and sigh to realize I can "wake up" into the life I can breath in. Oh, what a dream!

In dream I have a wise one who encourages me, guides me, strengthens me, and makes me smile. In dream I am a tree nympth with passion unexpressed. I am a water sprite looking for a playmate. The moon is my mother and the earth is my bed. The wind caresses my cheek, hair, and body and I am filled with love and affection. Thunderstorms are my tonic and the rustle of leaves are the tune my feet loves to dance with. The night brings the shadows to cover the lies and awake the truth of being in mother moon's glimmery light. I am neither human nor physical. I....just....AM. I can breath.
To Breath in that which is called life.
To Breath in that which brings sustenance and joy.
Without joy there cannot be sustenance.
Which neither food nor drink can adequately quench.
Touch my fingers...tip to tip.
Feel the worth of connection..the Truth of ourselves as A one.
We are together in spite of our isolation.
The joy of knowing.
The Breath of Reality.
la la la la

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