Thursday, May 17, 2012


It all began as I hid away tight and snug within my safe cocoon. No one to find me, no one to see my secrets; beautiful silence. But, no one to know my soul. But before I knew it, I felt the stirrings, to erupt, to become, to find a way to fly.
   Flying was such a joy, the wind brushing my wings, caressing my soul, but it was not enough. I was beautiful and free, what could be missing? (No one to know my soul).
  The trees whispered about rainbows, the sun glistened to seek the shade, but the spider, oh cleaver spider, she told me to look deep within the web and find the living essence I was missing. The web had answers.
    Looking around I found a web that sparkled with dew drops
And as I became mesmerized with the diamonds holding my attention, and it touched the lack within my soul, I noticed a beautiful fellow creature laying near by; so still. Was he a butterfly too? He was so serene, luminescent, illusive, but brilliant in his calm approach at just being.

                                                                                             I flew over to get a closer look at this wonderful creature, a Luna moth, quietly watching me; just being and breathing. I laid by his side and felt the urge to just breath with him. And found, he was breathing with me too! Our two breaths became one, and I was thrilled.
Our breathing became a song of life, a completion of two selves into one unified spirit. It was freedom with a song, life felt complete through sharing. Our breath took us into flight, into clouds and around the rainbow. Horses ran below us as we looped around and between the pillow like clouds that encompassed our earth. In playing within the clouds it was playful nudging of one another into the soft wonder. My wings tingled as my soul drank deep of this miracle of being and sharing; the most delicious of balms. Friend, companion, co-adventurer of life. As we danced our flight of soul on the notes of our breath, the world dropped away and the clouds became a sculpture of our created souls joined. No longer was I a butterfly, nor he a moth. We were living creatures, beings of life. And, in our wake we left a mark upon the earth.
A spiral of truth, a release of separation, finding the missing parts of the individual which becomes a union of unique expression. Breathing.................yours and mine, one breath, one heart beat.
  Just breathing

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