Sunday, May 27, 2012


With a world filled with so many people and so many avenues to communicate, why are we left feeling alone? We are talked at, push through, move out of way, doing it on our own. But, we are a race that thrives on sharing, the communion of moments created through imagination into experiences that nurture. Sitting in a room with another, I am reminded that to communicate I need to come to my blog. There is so much of just sitting next to someone and breathing I can tolerate, especially when my thoughts, ideas, or muses is irrelevant (arrrggg). To share a genuine thought, exchange ideas, possibilities, time to visit my cyber pals. What went wrong? When did my real get so isolated?
When I left high school and began my individual life journey, I viewed the life road ahead of me with anticipation. Adventure waited, but those adventures were splattered with others who would be sharing the adventures with me. I couldn't wait to meet my life's travelling companions.  In my dreams, I am not alone. In my dreams I engage, am involved, and have others who combine in the moment, the story; we are all a part of the whole. Involved and equally engaged. There is no separateness. Why won't it take root in real? I am a friendly open person, ready with a smile, enjoying the laugh and muse. Where have all the creative people gone? Have I somehow found myself alone on a small piece of the earth with strangers?.. with no one able to relate to me? Ok, obviously I took the wrong turn somewhere...oh poo...

On this isolated island people eat baked potatoes with nails through the middle, they milk their peas, and have no sense of beauty for a gathering of weeds (or wildflowers as I refer to them). The species I live among is quick to point out the wrongs of the world, their fellow human beings, me...but never once realized how they might contribute to the miserable world they are bemoaning and creating. They cry "that dirty so and so....look how ridiculous....that is stupid, yada yada yada". Meanwhile, I am busy skipping over stones, talking to passing pebbles, and hearing the latest joke among the cardinal birds. I hear music rustling in the leaves of trees as I pass, and see the sky attempting to paint something mysterious with its clouds. There are flowers to smell and grass to roll in. Bugs to help across the road and people to surprise into smiling. Maybe I am the dandelion of my community?! Please, don't step on me...I am not a weed!!!
As I gase upon the world in my perception of self...I find I have a joy I ache to live and share. But, I dare not put it forward for fear it will be trampled by the humanness of those around me. Like Borrowers say "Beings like to squish"...(so true). I refuse to let a Being squish me...but am always so relieved when I come across another who wants to skip with me....splash water, throw tea bags, dance with skunks, or kiss a frog. One day I might finally find the boat to leave this isolated island of Beings and know where all the imaginative people have gone, like those I come across in my dreams. They are not perfect, they are real; genuine. Authentic living creations! They embrace moments, skip with music, breath in air...and are not against a simple dandelion. They do exist. I can't let myself believe they do not; I am one, but I know there are many...but where? 

Until then, I will keep myself still, fly here in cyber, and continue to have hope. Cyber lets out the real, it is where the creative hide and peek. A place where one can't get trambled or squished. Maybe all the genuine living creations are like I, just tired of living among strangers!?!
I have had moments with such people in real time...fleeting, but impressionable. I know it can exisit in real time. But for now, I am grateful I have engaging companions in some way. I wait...I watch...I have hope.
It is the best I can do.

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