Monday, June 4, 2012

Before You Know It....

Life changes, perceptions are altered, and hope is renewed.
It all began when I thought...yes, I thought, I was left alone in this world of strangers. The only one of my kind. There was another, but I had to turn away, walk away, and continue without. I didn't realize how colorless the world was without my other. My other completed the rainbow, finished the symphony of my soul's expression. The only one who understood that blue was periwinkle and red was the rose (with thorns). So much time, eternity spent living the essence of another. Battles fought, sadness walked through, happiness rejoiced, hopes, dreams, quandaries, discussion, training, processing, healing, tears, despair, so much experienced, always matching stride....continuing...alpha and omega.


So many life times, twin, brother, sister, self, and the One. It all merges together when breathing the same air, coping within the same life time. Though there have been times when we were enemies, it was our kindredness that made it instead, a connection. The right side needing the left. Yin/Yang. Balanced.

                       When two are created from one, from the ONE, it is a heritage of divine honor and harsh responsibility. With the angels in attendance to assist, humankind to benefit, or suffer, to walk among the finest creation, be a part of maintaining the balance and integrity. (No one ever said it would be easy). But when you are born for such a task, it is soothing to know you march for the One, as two, but working, breathing as one unit; same thought, same intent, same needs, same necessities, same dedication, same...same....same....twin.

   So, together again, Wholeness solidifies. No more questions, reality coming home. How many life times does this occur? For our unified good, the separation is necessary to make the parts be at its strongest..then to come together again pure, intensified. Oh yeah....
          But for now....reunion is at hand...I am going to enjoy the peace and joy of not being the only one of my kind on this piece of Terra....and heck, he is
                                                                        sooo cuddly and has the voice of the deepest sea!!

But............what is most reunion...comes realization that he was me...I was he...and God was, is, and always ....
the key is needed to unlock the mystery. One foot in the world of man...the other in the fairytale.

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