Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Pause

Sitting under the rays of sunbeams, I am taking the necessary pause to ponder the moments surrounding me. What part is real? Maybe the only moment that is real is this very moment, the moment I choose to claim as real, this moment sitting under the sunbeams. While in this spot I don't have to think about what is outside or inside this spot. Everything other than this spot, causes me to hesitant? But why? Is it my assumption to act? Presumption to be? For once, I choose just to be. Neither contributing or commiting. This is a profound choice for myself. Just to perpetually wait and see. And make choices as I have to, only when I have to. What a nice in-between spot.
Other's spiral wants to suck me in to its illusions.... But, for now, I want to just sit and be. Though movement might create something interesting and even adventure...I don't want to go towards the spiral. I want to be the perpetual observer. At least for now; nothing just yet. But, I am excited to observe the spiral while sitting in this spot under the sunbeams. Know that it carries possibilities, probabilities, even dreams. For the first time, in forever, I want to feel this contentment of stillness. Just breath. There is something about breathing that is calming (obviously), because of the very fact it is and out. How many times do we forget that simple fact about ourselves?

Breath...the brush of feather tip to feather tip. Taken for granted, assumed, forgotten; but so necessary. Within breathing is the place of the sunbeams. Therefore, this post...this muse, is a song of breathing. Sitting (just) within these lovely sunbearms. (sigh) The home of the perpetual observer.

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