Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Our lives....bright in some moments...dark in others.
Our days...and our nights. How do we handle the duality of our lives?
As the sun depicts, we feel lighter, can fly, see possibilities, even dream.
The moon reflects our emotions, which gets triggered by our dark time, becomes calming or harsh.
We are creations of God that have both in our nature. We zig, we zag. Bouncing from moment to moment.
Where is the joy? How do we grab onto the constant?

John 3: 21 (NIV) records: "But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God"

So how do we cope in a world of duality, so instead we can fly? The light of Truth, God and embracing goodness is the wings that lifts us above the duality we get caught in. It is easy to see the light, easier still to know the dark. But the truth is, there is a perception that is above both. A perception of illumination that ignites the soul and helps bring music to our wings so we can fly in joy.

Yes, we still have to walk in the shadows, the dark, but they don't grip as tight, they don't suffocate. To have the eternal life become a part of our soul song, we have a edge that keeps one from getting stuck, getting stained, getting lost.

In the moments of shadow and dark...sing the song of light, the goodness of God. By the very fact of singing God's Glory one finds themselves filled with a warmth, a light that brings color and possibility. And within possibility, the next step can be taken. Once the soul floods with color, a song is discovered deep within that makes moments delightful. The earth sun and moon is not what ignites the soul. It is the Light of Christ, given to us by God, through the Holy Spirit.

Easy, simple; but can only be embraced and experienced through the heart of love and the whisper of desire.

Want to sing? Than let's sing together...a song of life, hope, dreams, and possibilities. Why not? 

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