Friday, July 23, 2010

There is a truth to our lives that we as human beings are constantly searching for. Like a spiral our path carries us forth and then back again. We sometimes find ourselves in known territories, most time moving into that which unknown. But we continue on, are carried forth, in spite of ourselves. We feel disrupted, anxiety, even fearful. All movement involves loss of some type, especially when it is something we have to leave so we can move on to something that will help us grow. However, the loss is always and only that which is corporeal or what we embrace as the material world. But, it is not the substance we crave.

1 Corinthians 2: 7 speaks of "God's secret wisdom "...that which has been hidden, and that God destined for our glory before time began" Our glory being God's glory reflected here on earth through us.

1 Corinthians 2: 9 states "No eye has seen
                                         no ear has heard
                                      no mind has conceived
                                        what God has prepared for those who love him"

Does this help one navigate the spiral of our existence? The purpose of our lives?

Verse 2: 10 says "yes" for "God has revealed it to us by his Spirit".

Verse 2: 12 continues to instruct us: "...we have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us"

Verse 2: 14 reminds us that: "...the man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are [only] spiritually discerned".

And finally verse 2: 15 says: "...the spiritual man/woman makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man's judgment: for who knows the mind of God that he may instruct Him?" But we do have the mind of Christ that we might understand.

The spiral.

We have the instructions of how to navigate this flow of movement-the development of our lives, maybe our very souls! We know that in the core resides union that will brings us completeness. We know that is why our first soul breath began so that it could mature us to eventually rest in that complete unity with God.

Along the way, God's Glory, represented in our lives similar to each colored, complex panel of the above spiral, has left moments of knowledge, support, and love to all who witnessed the passage. We cannot know what the next panel (or segment of our human lives) will look like. God is the divine Artist, only he knows what vision he wants to represent in our lives. That which will be reflected upon this world and that which will further illuminate His Glory, His Love, His embracing. is a scary moment when we find ourselves leaving one panel for another. We know we must, we feel compelled to do so. But, we have become so caught up in the panel we are, that we forget of the wonder of what will be. But God knows...and waits in warm anticipation.

Faith...courage...adventure. I think I will focus on the Light -the Core...God's shining Love and Glory...and just trust that I won't slip as I jump.

But wait! I have the hand of Christ to hold on to! (whew)

And if I glance backward, I see all the panels God has already created through me, and the beauty of it is breath-taking!...and ahead of me, works of God's art (me) yet to be created. Vague images...but possibilities. (wow)

Ready to jump?....1, 2, 3......................................
(don't worry, you'll know when, God will nudge you :-)

Friday, July 16, 2010

The miracle of a touch. It is not the contact. It is the space that occurs just before the contact. That space that reveals so much. The Truth of what is joining, the essence of what can be. A touch brings the potential of a possibility and the reality of knowing. Touch is a confirmation of what is to be united; and, the evolution of what is being created. A touch. Something so significant, yet lost in the distraction of connection.

Psalm 42: 7-8 records:
Deep calls to deep
   in the roar of your waterfalls;
all your waves and breakers
   have swept over me.
By day the Lord directs his love,
  at night his song is with me--
a prayer to God of my life...

Touch...the breath in-between...the communion of souls.

1 Peter 1: 8-9 writes about this moment of sincerest of love...this moment between the touch...engaging the communion:
"Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your soul"

God touched us and brought touches us and brings the direction of truth...Christ touches us to direct our path. (his life is Truth)..Holy Spirit touches to move our faith.

Touch...communion...the pause. 

I have learned it is about "embracing the moment that is...not the moment that will be"

)..( = )(  Everything

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Our lives....bright in some moments...dark in others.
Our days...and our nights. How do we handle the duality of our lives?
As the sun depicts, we feel lighter, can fly, see possibilities, even dream.
The moon reflects our emotions, which gets triggered by our dark time, becomes calming or harsh.
We are creations of God that have both in our nature. We zig, we zag. Bouncing from moment to moment.
Where is the joy? How do we grab onto the constant?

John 3: 21 (NIV) records: "But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God"

So how do we cope in a world of duality, so instead we can fly? The light of Truth, God and embracing goodness is the wings that lifts us above the duality we get caught in. It is easy to see the light, easier still to know the dark. But the truth is, there is a perception that is above both. A perception of illumination that ignites the soul and helps bring music to our wings so we can fly in joy.

Yes, we still have to walk in the shadows, the dark, but they don't grip as tight, they don't suffocate. To have the eternal life become a part of our soul song, we have a edge that keeps one from getting stuck, getting stained, getting lost.

In the moments of shadow and dark...sing the song of light, the goodness of God. By the very fact of singing God's Glory one finds themselves filled with a warmth, a light that brings color and possibility. And within possibility, the next step can be taken. Once the soul floods with color, a song is discovered deep within that makes moments delightful. The earth sun and moon is not what ignites the soul. It is the Light of Christ, given to us by God, through the Holy Spirit.

Easy, simple; but can only be embraced and experienced through the heart of love and the whisper of desire.

Want to sing? Than let's sing together...a song of life, hope, dreams, and possibilities. Why not? 
Spirit songs...
Fire songs...
Songs found within our souls...
Songs discovered within the rainbow
Songs realized only at the end...

Thoughts prompted by Spirit,
Words directed by God...
Together we can discover...
Wonders, maybe miracles, among us all.
Good Journey...