Monday, September 6, 2010

The leaves are gone....the tree stands bleak, alone. It doesn't look as cheery as it did in spring, doesn't shine as brightly as it did all summer. In fact it looks even sad! But is it really? There is a time for growth, a time for new life, a time to release, and a time to rest. In the rest we assimilate all that was discovered during the cycle of growth.

This is a tree that has embrace a wonderful year of growth. It has willingly let it's exciting leaves fall and blow into the wind. The leaves were its dreams...and the tree gladly gave the wind its dreams to scatter.

This is a tree that is ready. Ready for the change coming, ready for what might arrive under its branches, ready for what might still need a nice place to stop and rest. This tree has seen much.

Are our lives not like a tree? Sometimes we feel surrounded by growth, new life, beauty, and joy. Then comes the time of change. The leaves blow, the wind gets chilly, the grass turns brown, the animals huddle deep within. We are in the time of change, getting ready to hibernate into the sleep of reflection.

But for now...we must release, let go, and just be. Rest in the glory we experienced and breath in the lessons we discovered. The winter will ferment our wisdom and before we know it, we will walk out into life renewed, prepared, and ready.