Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Diligence & hope & BUT

Diligence and Hope...
   We travel a path in our lives, each week, each month- it seems to be the same, but there are slight variations that do occur. One day, we realize the path isn't as familiar as it once was, why? It looks the same, is the same path (isn't it?) but it just doesn't feel comfortable anymore, doesn't seem to fit. Sometimes, just one thought, one choice, or one experience changes the direction we are going. It changes our direction because we have been changed. When we are changed, we can't continue to walk the same way, the same path. But....

We continue to walk the path we know, it is safe. It should not matter whether it is enriching, we once were- that should be good enough, right? Lord, guide me! I am confused, unhappy, feeling lost even in the middle of the familiar...

Suddenly, we feel an urge to turn off the path. It is a bold move, but feels right somehow. There is a moment, feels like an impulse, off we go!

The new path has some similarities, but it is different. It is more enjoyable. We like the new path, we never felt so alive! We find ourselves singing songs of praises to God...BUT.

Is it too enjoyable? Is this wrong to feel so good? Have I made a bad decision in turning at all? I thought the old path was THE path I was suppose to walk...

Fear speaks: "Why did we want to turn? What guided us to turn?"

We argue back: "But this is such a nice path and the journey is so much nicer, enjoyable, enriching, fulfilling! God?" But we don't feel worthy of such joy...we hesitate.

Look! At the end we see a light. Inviting us, calling to us. We can go there, we can enter...But we're scared...BUT...

We and fear brings "but", God brings Hope...

If we are children of God, who with our faith KNOW that God guides our every step, then why are we doubting? Why do we feel fear? Why is fears voice and its doubts louder than God's?

Oh, we miss the familiar (but we weren't happy) and now we feel joy! Our Creator, God wants his children to live in joy. Joy brings love, grace, and His expression of glory onto this earth in its purest form.

Galatians 6: 9 reminds us that we should "...not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up". Don't we focus our lives loving God and doing good? Will we be able to embrace the harvest when it comes?

2 Chronicles 15: 7 encourages us " for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded". Reward? We get a reward?...Maybe that clearing is a place of rest?

Hebrews 6:18-20 states:
"God cannot break His word, and because his word cannot change, the promise is likewise unchangeable. We who have run for our very lives to God have every reason to grab the promise of hope with both hands and never let go. It is the unbreakable spiritual lifeline; reaching past all apprearance right to the very presence of God where Jesus, who went before us, has already entered on our behalf and is guiding us (This is our anchor for the soul, firm and secure)" Oh (whew) I feel so much better! Jesus has already traveled this way...and has entered that clearing; God said I CAN grab the promise of hope and never have to let go! whew...I love God's promises, He does want me to be happy!

Faith IS knowing that God IS in control. He never stopped! I just forgot, and here I thought I was walking this path alone and just on a whim. God directly placed my feet on purpose onto the very steps I took! So, I found myself in a new place, it is not new for God (only for me). By golly He planned it!

So come with me, lets hold hands and sing songs of His Glory! Christ is the one who guided our feet, our direction; after all,  he has walked this path before us and For us.

With trust in God it is no wonder we forget our feet! We trusted Him and not our feet-and that is how it should be, don't you think?

Happy Journey